The Hamilton Wedding Party

The Hamilton Wedding Party
The Rolland Hamilton & Mary Eva Brown Wedding Party - 1945

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Birth of James Winton Rhudy

Finding a birth record for someone in 1866 is considered lucky, even in Virginia. The earliest birth records in Virginia were in 1853, but statewide registration didn't start until 1912. This birth record is from  Grayson County where the commissioner of the revenue registered the births and then turned over his books to the clerk of the County Court. The entry for James Winton Rhudy shows "Ja W RHUDY was born May 10, 1866 to S.F. & Thursy RHUDY in Grayson Co.,Virginia."[1]

The Birth Entry for James Winton Rhudy, 10 May 1866

[1] Virginia. Bureau of Vital Statistics. “Birth records (Virginia), 1853-1896”. FHL microfilm 2,046,939, p. 93. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I am so glad you were able to find this rare record. Great work!
